Sunday 2 September 2012

Antenna Party - Hexxbeam

Bought the hexxbeam from DX Engineering quite a while back and could only put it up today with the help of few of my friends. Thanks to the following (not following any orders):
  1. 9W2RUT (Weerut)
  2. 9M2PJU (PiJU)
  3. 9M2KRZ (Khairol)
  4. 9W2WF (Fadil) 
Without them, the antenna will probably still in the boxes and the mast will rotting and sold as scrap instead :)

Photos during the installation can be found in 9M2PJU blog here. Enjoy the photos:

Calling MS SQL Stored Procedure from ABAP

One of the few things sometime coming up in your ticket request. Calling stored procedure from ABAP to remote SQL server.  How do we send th...